Mean is not a good look, on anyone.

I had to stop reading a certain daddy blog.

His latest post was a sarcastic one about well, if it’s ok to let kids see gay proposals why not let them watch abortions? Sarcastic of course but enough already.

I get it. You’re not a fan of abortion. I don’t think any woman that gets one is a fan either. It’s not a walk in the park and the consequences both physical and emotional are enough to deal with without assholes reminding you of what a shameless, heartless, irresponsible waste of a human shell you are, if they still consider you human.

Here’s the difference between letting a child view gay proposals vs letting them watch abortions being performed.

1. Gay couples from their proposals, to PDA, to advertisements, tv, radio, everything is out in the world. It’s no longer hidden or covert or under your great grandmother’s rock. Children 7 or 3 or any age see gay couples, interact with their children, have gay teachers, instructors… My daughter recently saw two women kissing. She giggled and told me she thought that was silly. I told her that they loved each other and that love is something spectacular and that we should respect everyone and the people they choose to love.

2. Abortion as out in the open as you may think it is, is still something shameful. Most of the open discussions end up with insults, threats, and all other sort of maliciousness towards the woman who has had an abortion or is sometimes only thinking about it. Yes, you get punished and apparently already have your spot reserved in hell for THINKING of having an abortion. Circumstances? Who gives a fuck? You are a whore.

3. Abortions are not performed out in the open. Even if you take a child with you inside a clinic they have no idea of what’s happening around them. My daughter will never come up to me and say, why was that lady in stirrups and why was there a doctor and nurses hovering over her? Was that some kind of jar? What was it for?

I don’t care what your opinion on abortion is, but stop being a god damn bully. No matter what god/deity/scientific factor you believe in respect is something we can all as a big, little, skinny, fat, chubby, fit, gay, straight, melting pot of a race can benefit from.

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